From 1.5.0 to 1.4.8?

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  • You can use the file to roll back to 1.4.8. I already did that. Version 1.5.0 is very bad. Why it was to give update? Very bad blurry image. Return the image as it was at version 1.4.8. Why would you break your product. Version 1.5.0 should be discarded in the trash and never show anyone. It's just a shame alous

  • You can use the file to roll back to 1.4.8. I already did that. Version 1.5.0 is very bad. Why it was to give update? Very bad blurry image. Return the image as it was at version 1.4.8. Why would you break your product. Version 1.5.0 should be discarded in the trash and never show anyone. It's just a shame alous

    I am completely at your side. Developers should get the main functions to work faultlessly, instead of making the GUI looking pretty.

  • What exactly is so much bad in 1.5.0 compared to 1.4.8? Sorry but i don`t agree with you, why are new options and some Bugfixes bad, that was in most cases requests from users!


    • Picture Micro stuttering fixed
    • Improved HDR performance
    • Improved timezone selection interface and fixed timezone bugs
    • General bug fixes and performance improvements
    • Fixed MOL epg time difference
    • Fixed Standby Hangup issue
    • Fixed foggy OSD when play HDR service.
    • Fixed can't decode live TV after playing 4K HDR movie.
    • Fixed HDR dual decoding using PIP
    • Fixed A/C Power off issue.
    • after remove power cable, STB will return to previous power state.
    • Fixed Preview function in service list.

    New Futures and requests:

    • RCU hotkey now active
    • Added IP M3U Service scan.
    • Direct import of lamedb (E2) channel list format
    • NEW Modern Launcher (Main Menu) option. (AndroidTV Leanback-style) -> If you don`t like it then change to classic style
    • Added HiSilicon Imprex 2.0 Engine. Adjust advanced Picture Quality [lexicon]settings[/lexicon] Long Press "V.format" key. -> blurry image or other picture changes can be done here! Much better picture with own changes.
    • Added HDR PiP, clearer HDR picture quality
    • Support for Widevine Level3 added.
    • MYTVOnline App updated to v1.8.8

    And this is bad? I don`t understand it. In one case your right, Bugfixes should be done first and that is exactly what Formuler will do from now one. Requests get lower priority.

  • Added HiSilicon Imprex 2.0 Engine. Adjust advanced Picture Quality [lexicon]settings[/lexicon] Long Press "V.format" key. -> blurry image or other picture changes can be done here! Much better picture with own changes.

    It doesn't help. Semilunate to remove it. Return as it was on version 1.4.8. So just to mock the users can't.

  • If changes not helps then you can turn it off completely, not big deal...

  • Give screenshots of the [lexicon]settings[/lexicon] on 1.5.0 so I got a picture quality similar to version 1.4.8. I have tried all the options but no improvement. Therefore, all users began to seek a return to 1.4.8. Do you not understand. Do for us what we ask for. Then all you say thank you and there will be no negative reviews.

  • Infinite BOOT after rolling back from Version 1.5.0 to the previous Version 1.4.8 Formuler 4K S Turbo.

    The fact is that many other users of your receiver model also found themselves in this situation of a dead receiver with an endless BOOT!

    To restore the functionality of the Formuler 4K S Turbo, many users are waiting for your service software to resuscitate the receiver, just as the developers from OPENBOX have already provided open-source software for a similar device for this situation.…-obsuzhdenija)/…7mhhwKtRj5/view…gfPp8fRCCO/view

    Thank You!

  • When will you have software? To restore the functionality of the Formuler 4K S Turbo, many users are waiting for your service software to resuscitate the receiver, just as the developers from OPENBOX have already provided open-source software for a similar device for this situation.

  • First no need to spread and post same twice in more then one Thread! Read the Board Rules!
    Second, the problematic with failed Update is known and Formuler work on it.
    Third, downgrading to older firmware comes from you Guys from openbox board and not from Formuler board, no one suggested here to downgrade. How ever i will forward this, Formuler should decide what to do.

  • the company manufacturer of these brands is one, and why did you decide that for the Openbox brand it is possible to downgrade the firmware version, and the affected Formuler brand is not allowed. Also, I will repeat once again about the fact that you, by updating the firmware, have spoiled the consumer qualities of this product for me, which was expressed in the disgusting quality of the image on my LED TV, while on the previous version before this update everything suited me completely, and at the same time you did not want to meet their customers and correct their own mistakes.

    компания производитель данных марок одна, и почему вы решили что для торговой марки Openbox возможно понижение версии прошивки, а пострадавшим торговой марки Formuler это не положено. так же я еще раз повторюсь насчет того что, вы своим обновлением прошивки испортили мне потребительские качества данного товара, которое выразилось в отвратительном качестве изображения на моем LED TV, при этом на предыдущей версии до этого обновления меня все полностью устраивало, и при этом вы не хотите идти навстречу своим потребителям и исправлять свои же ошибки.

  • Second, the problematic with failed Update is known and Formuler work on it.

    why to invent the bicycle when it already is, let will give what was given for Openbox and for Formuler

    my TV


    Samsung QE55Q60A 4K UHD

    LG 55UJ630V 4K UHD

    my Box


    The best box  :backhand_index_pointing_right:  Zidoo Z10 Pro 4K UHD > root ok #

    Mi Box MDZ-16-AB IPTV 4K UHD > root ok

    Formuler S Turbo Pro 4K UHD > root ok

    Formuler Z10 Pro MAX IPTV 4K UHD > root no

  • Formuler decided from beginning of Android Boxes not to release any firmware files for offline distribution, this has not change. Also after my report, Formuler confirmed no offline files.
    Please understand, Android and E2 are not the same.
    The founded firmware file on web is not from official contact. Each downgrade of your Box can lead to lose your warranty if something happens.

    Thread closed.