Record from epg Z8

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  • I have just got the new Z8, and to start with everything looked good, epg loaded quick, new gui looks slick.
    Heres my issue, and why the box is going back monday,
    On my Z7+ i was able to record from epg, including future items on the epg, the reason i choose the Z7+ was for this feature.
    This feature is not available on the Z8, WHY ?
    I could also record one stream while watching another with my multiroom sub.
    This feature is not available on the Z8, WHY ?

  • First off, you're saying you could record one channel and watch another channel at the sametime on your Z7+ using MYTVONLINE? if so, that's the first I've ever heard of that! What do you mean 'multiROOM sub?

    Recording when and where you can record, yes the Z8 has reduced functionality in this regard and this point but I have to believe that this will get rectified shortly. I also am not a fan of this limitation. But I can almost guarantee you it'll be fixed sooner than later. The formuler guys are already working on the next update. I've had the Z8 for about 3-4 weeks and I've had 3 software updates in that time so the formuler guys are working a lot to fix bugs and bring features up to par with Z7+

  • When I read my post I can see it was misleading. let me explain my set up.
    i set all the programs I want to record via the epg in Mytvonline.
    I then switch to another app to watch live. When a scheduled recording starts I can continue to watch live via the other app, and the Mytvonline records in the background. ( i have 2 connections = multi-room).
    With the Z8 when I switch apps the Z8 does not record the scheduled programs.
    With respect, you say bring the Z8 up to the level of the Z7+, I feel that for the high cost of the Z8 these issues should of been addressed before release. At this time I feel the box is not ready for me to recommend to my clients, as it is still in Beta stage.

  • Hi All. So, have we determined all record functionality in the Formuler Z8 is missing except recording the channel one is watching? I recently bought a Z8 and that was the case, although the company that sold it to me said they could record programs in the future via the EPG. Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks for the information seanns32. Also, I just received a reply back from Formuler support a moment ago - "Scheduled recording on Z8 is a known feature that we are currently working on for the update. We apologize for your inconvenience and will provide this feature asap".

  • I agree that that the lack of recording is a deal breaker for me. I just bought it and was about to order 2 more when. I realized I forgot to test recording. I will hold off until I see the update. Otherwise my other box records.

    To be clear, you can record live TV, you just can't schedule it in future right now.

  • As I mentioned in my post in the general section, the lack of timed recording on the Z8 is a huge problem and would have been a deal-breaker for me if I had realised it before purchasing. . The timed recoding should operate both from the EPG and manually and have a repeat function for recording shows daily and weekly.

  • I agree that that the lack of recording is a deal breaker for me. I just bought it and was about to order 2 more when. I realized I forgot to test recording. I will hold off until I see the update. Otherwise my other box records.

    I was excited to get my Z8. I tried to like it but ended up returning it. I was fine with waiting for them to release the recording features, but in the end, the picture quality was very poor compared to the Shield or the built in Sony TV Android TV that I was using. That was the deal breaker for me. It is a shame because the Z8 is head and shoulders above anything else when it comes to IPTV functionality, especially the software.

  • the picture quality was very poor compared to the Shield or the built in Sony TV Android TV

    If you share such infos with us, then tell us what exactly was poor? IPTV is IPTV, streamed content is like it is, the box can not deliver something what is not present. Overall picture quality and improving to get best eye feeling is from user to user very different. Some like in advance options to set SDR and not HDR, others something else and some never discovered that the box have (holding vformat 2 sec.) Display Mode and Imprex Engine to set the picture quality like they want. Standard settings are not always best solution for all and need to be changed if the picture quality doesn`t fit.

  • If you share such infos with us, then tell us what exactly was poor? IPTV is IPTV, streamed content is like it is, the box can not deliver something what is not present. Overall picture quality and improving to get best eye feeling is from user to user very different. Some like in advance options to set SDR and not HDR, others something else and some never discovered that the box have (holding vformat 2 sec.) Display Mode and Imprex Engine to set the picture quality like they want. Standard settings are not always best solution for all and need to be changed if the picture quality doesn`t fit.

    I just found the resolution looked lower than the other two devices when comparing the same content. General eye feeling also, as you mention. Mind you I am comparing it to two devices that have better video cards than the Z8. That being said I am quite discerning (picky? <grin>) when it comes to the video. Are those setting you mention actually within the Z8 settings?

  • Resolution 3840x2160 60hz is also with z8 possible but you need to set it first! Also all other like TV HDR Mode, Video color space & HDMI deep colour, Imprex Engine etc. Then when you have picture like you want, start youtube 2.0 app and look how nice 4K content looks like. What you done is standard setting to compare with other already set devices. You need time to find best picture but you must check all first.

    Yes, all inside z8.