no video output signal detected by TV

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  • hey all, so I borrowed a Z7+ from a friend so I could install some apps on it for him, and I plugged it in, turned it on, green light on box comes on as expected, but I get 'no signal detected' displayed on my TV (that's a TV-based message, not a formuler-based message). I've tried multiple HDMI inputs on TV and I've confirmed the HDMI cable is working (works with my 2 formuler boxes).

    Any thoughts? I can power down the box just fine (green light turns solid red) and I can power it up just fine with the remote (box light goes solid green) am I right to assume solid green light means everything is working 100%? Or does solid green not necessarily the box is in a perfectly healthy state?

    Note that the green light flickers when the remote buttons are pressed (this is normal I believe)

    Is it possible he had the HDMI settings in a certain way on his box, and when this box is plugged into my TV the TV doesnt recognize it due to some incompatible HDMI settings?

    any help would be greatly appreciated! The box should be running either the latest, or second latest firmware/software.

  • hey all, so I borrowed a Z7+ from a friend so I could install some apps on it for him, and I plugged it in, turned it on, green light on box comes on as expected, but I get 'no signal detected' displayed on my TV (that's a TV-based message, not a formuler-based message). I've tried multiple HDMI inputs on TV and I've confirmed the HDMI cable is working (works with my 2 formuler boxes).

    Any thoughts? I can power down the box just fine (green light turns solid red) and I can power it up just fine with the remote (box light goes solid green) am I right to assume solid green light means everything is working 100%? Or does solid green not necessarily the box is in a perfectly healthy state?

    Note that the green light flickers when the remote buttons are pressed (this is normal I believe)

    Is it possible he had the HDMI settings in a certain way on his box, and when this box is plugged into my TV the TV doesnt recognize it due to some incompatible HDMI settings?

    any help would be greatly appreciated! The box should be running either the latest, or second latest firmware/software.

    Maybe try the resolution recovery process:

    Press and hold the resolution button. It should revert the HDMI output resolution to a "safe" mode.

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