Hello... yet again! I have enabled DLNA on my Z8 and can see the directory structure on the SDCARD just fine, but I would rather serve content from the external 1TB USB HDD than use the limited internal storage. I have tried to edit the dlna.ini file in /sdcard/dlna to "/media_rw/sda1", but it keeps reverting to "/sdcard", so that's not it. Any hints? Thanks for reading and any responses.

Redirecting DLNA to serve content on USB drive instead of SDCARD
- Z8
provels -
September 21, 2021 at 11:54 AM -
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256GB of SDcard is the maximum supported size on formuler android based product.
256GB of SDcard is the maximum supported size on formuler android based product.
Thanks for your reply. I didn't know that, but I'm trying to use a mechanical HD that already works fine for recording and SMB. Maybe if I used a 250GB HDD DLNA would recognize it? Thanks again.
There is No physicial limit with HDD . just there is partition and format file system limitation.
so follow the link belew.
There is No physicial limit with HDD . just there is partition and format file system limitation.
so follow the link belew.
No, I think you misunderstand me. That's not the issue. The HDD is already formatted NTFS and works fine for recording and sharing over SMB. What I'm trying to do is serve content from the HDD via DLNA using the DLNA server in the Z8. Right now only the SDCARD file structure is visible to both the Z8 and DLNA clients. I think I need to change the DLNA mount point from /sdcard to /media_rw/sda1 but can't figure out how.
I have no hdd connected but sounds to me like there should be possibility for you to select the hdd to be your internal storage?
No, I think you misunderstand me. That's not the issue. The HDD is already formatted NTFS and works fine for recording and sharing over SMB. What I'm trying to do is serve content from the HDD via DLNA using the DLNA server in the Z8. Right now only the SDCARD file structure is visible to both the Z8 and DLNA clients. I think I need to change the DLNA mount point from /sdcard to /media_rw/sda1 but can't figure out how.
This is how i do it.
- Install Filecommander from market and select the Cloud .
- Install Nplayer apk on Google signed-in device . (otherwise version are paid)
- Then install the DLNA server app on the device again. and allow video file permission.
Its how i do it using Cloud , so it could be applied to other compatibility.
This is how i do it.
- Install Filecommander from market and select the Cloud .
- Install Nplayer apk on Google signed-in device . (otherwise version are paid)
- Then install the DLNA server app on the device again. and allow video file permission.
Its how i do it using Cloud , so it could be applied to other compatibility.
Thanks for the tip. I just wish there was a simple checkbox to select which source I wanted to use, since there is already a DLNA server built in. Thanks again.