Beta Update - Firmware v. 11.3.0 BETA and MOL 3 v. 12.1.0 BETA for Formuler Z11 Series released.

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  • BETA Software Update for Formuler Z11 Series devices.

    Z11 Series Firmware Version : 11.3.0 BETA

    MYTVOnline 3 Version : 12.1.0 BETA


    Software cannot be rolled back after installation.

    If serious errors occur, please do factory reset.

    Please keep in mind, this is Beta and could have also bugs or act unstable, it is for testing and not for productive use 24h with the box.

    If you don`t want to test, please wait until official comes out. No Forum support in other threads if beta in use, beta issues should be discussed only in this thread.

    HowTo Install:

    Home Menu -> Software Update -> press "1339" -> Red Icon and Beta Test SW appear (right corner) -> Press Red Button -> Firmware and Software are now shown, press "OK" button for install.

    The install process and reboot works automatically! Please don`t turn off the box or plug out the power supply, could damage the box. The reboot after update needs always much longer than usual, please be patient and let the box finish the install. If necessary reboot later once again.

    Beta Firmware v. 11.3.0 BETA and MOL 3 v. 12.1.0 BETA discussions only in this thread here! Other open threads with Beta issues will be deleted instantly!

    We need to collect data and feedback's on one place, thank you for your understanding.

    Change Log:

    Z11 Series Firmware Version : 11.3.0 BETA

    • NEW Modern Launcher
      • Move your favorite apps from the "Apps" tab to the "Home" tab for quick access
      • Group your favorite apps into rows
      • "Command Center" provides easy access to frequently used settings
      • Added "Notifications" menu for system messages
      • Add, remove, uninstall, and move apps directly from the Launcher
      • New wallpaper gallery
    • IMP: Added "Estonian" in system language
    • Bug fixes, optimizations, and performance enhancements

    MYTVOnline 3 Version : 12.1.0 BETA

    • NEW: Added Provider column and headings in Group list
      • Easily navigate between providers in the Group list.
    • NEW: Added Subtitle & Audio synchronizer
    • NEW: Added more formats in Aspect Ratio menu
    • NEW: Added "Convert Playlist to Portal" menu in Settings
    • NEW: Added portal expiry reminder
    • FIX: Catchup playback issue after Daylight saving time
    • IMP: Optimized UX for Manual content refresh
    • IMP: Improved Search results for characters with accents
    • IMP: Improved Onlinesubtitles menus
    • IMP: Default save location for Recordings changed to usb:\Recordings
    • IMP: Added Italian translation
    • Bug fixes, optimizations, and performance enhancements

    New Launcher:


    We would like to ask all Beta Testers to test the launcher throughly and report if they find some bug or similar. Thank you.

  • Thans Sam , I'll wait for the official one

  • Hello

    Running beta since 3 hours

    - After beta update, I cant connect anymore to network storage (connect failed) i deleted and added again its fine now

    - Another thing, when i am on apps tab, if i press en home button its happened nothing, should i come back to home tab?

    - Colored buttons dont launch any apps, i set red button to open MOL3 and other colored buttons to open other apps → nothing is happening (same issue on GTV-IR1 and GTV-BT1 remote)

    - Cant rename the name of into rows → I create a new lign, i give a name, after i would like change the name, i can't edit the name, i need type a new name (not sure its a bug?)

    Edited 10 times, last by LaPraline: another issue (May 27, 2024 at 6:25 PM).

  • Hi, i dont know how to implement the separate listing of Providers (3 in my case) so that they work as separate Portals,as mentioned in changelog MOL3,first line?

  • Hi, i dont know how to implement the separate listing of Providers (3 in my case) so that they work as separate Portals,as mentioned in changelog MOL3,first line?

    On any live channel press the “Groups” button.

    Consider if you have pinned and re ordered bouquets the will appear only in “My Group”

    If you don’t do the above then content is separated by provider

    You can always create a favourite group and reorder that way and works great

    Edited once, last by adrilang (May 27, 2024 at 7:44 PM).

  • Can’t see a “refresh” tab in changelog as 175N suggested this would be implemented for this update?

    I know it’s not mentioned in the changelog so not much I can say.

    I also concur with LaPraline - coloured buttons don’t launch app. They launch the standard menu systems within MTOL.

    Edited once, last by adrilang (May 27, 2024 at 7:59 PM).

  • I’m unsure what you mean “can’t create the name of into rows”

    Can’t you explain please and I will check for you to see if I get the same.

    If you mean when you create your own group, it is possible to change the name of that group.

    You locate the name and press and hold OK button and options appear.

    If that isn’t what you mean my apologies

  • Can’t see a “refresh” tab in changelog as 175N suggested this would be implemented for this update?

    I know it’s not mentioned in the changelog so not much I can say.

    I also concur with LaPraline - coloured buttons don’t launch app. They launch the standard menu systems within MTOL.

    IMP: Optimized UX for Manual content refresh

  • I'm talk in launcher, not in mol3 😉

  • IMP: Optimized UX for Manual content refresh

    Thanks for pointing it out, read it loads and couldn’t see it, must be going blind haha.

    Unsure then what is meant by that line then because I can’t see anything different to normal as in manual refresh is still within content manager and I can’t see it elsewhere?

  • Hi guys

    Results of a short betatest:

    - indeed color buttons on the RCU don't work as stated here above

    - after startup: I didn't check (and can't try right now): is the startup in the 'home' or 'apps' menu, and can we change that?

    - command center in home menu: possibility to change the available options & their position in the menu?

    - not possible to sort providers (I believe SAM wrote earlier this would be implemented in the next (beta) soft) -> will this come later (important for me)?

    - perhaps related to the point here above: On the image of post 5 here above there's a 'settings' icon on the top left, but I can't access this icon (also tried with mouse).

    - in the vods and series menu: no back option to go back to the MOL3 menu, only going back to live tv -> can this be added?

    General impression:

    - nice update (especially the sync. audio & subs) -> tested shortly and seemed perfect

    - all changing in menus seem a bit slower then before

    - bug on content manager -> programmed key to live tv = solved

    Older oustanding issues:

    - in favourits and history of vods and series: possibility show the provider somewhere (= important for me)

    - in single EPG: possibility to record a program

    - no changements noticed in EPG: some providers ok for about 4 days, some only 24h

    Hoping this could help, and perhaps get some answers

    Best regards


    Formuler Z11 Pro Max - XC API Portal - Mol3 (standard and occasional TiviMate as backup) - External HDD Toshiba 1 TB (usb 3.0) - Nord VPN

  • Great work and job formuler team :winking_face: I have entertainment for several weeks now LOL I must say that i love the new look just like the new Android tv launcher without the horrible ads.

    You know what would be awesome? An update to Android 12 on Z11, that would make me buy another one.

    Will stay in touch :winking_face:

  • Thanks for pointing it out, read it loads and couldn’t see it, must be going blind haha.

    Unsure then what is meant by that line then because I can’t see anything different to normal as in manual refresh is still within content manager and I can’t see it elsewhere?

    If you manually refresh you will get a popup when it has refreshed in the background asking if you want to refresh the playlist. Should be no need for popup as if you manually press refresh in the menus, you want to refresh now, so no need for confirming it again.

    Sadly this is not what we req as we still have to dig into the menu system to manually update.. Well well.. We need Refresh button directly when pressing menu, like in Mytvonline 2..

  • If you manually refresh you will get a popup when it has refreshed in the background asking if you want to refresh the playlist. Should be no need for popup as if you manually press refresh in the menus, you want to refresh now, so no need for confirming it again.

    Sadly this is not what we req as we still have to dig into the menu system to manually update.. Well well.. We need Refresh button directly when pressing menu, like in Mytvonline 2..

    As for manual refresh, I too hoped this would be implemented in the same way as MTOL2, 175N suggested it would be in this update although I’m unsure if he meant something else.

  • Liking the update alot,I came back to formuler 2 months ago and bought the Z11 max after switching to another iptv box after I sold my Z7 a few years bck,there's alot I like about mytv3 compared to mytv on the Z7,the single biggest issue I've got is this annoying auto refresh content,this is what happens to me,1- launch mytv,now all I want is to watch tv but I'm greeted with a spinning refresh icon for around 2mins which feels like forever,eventually my iptv groups are loaded but out of my 3 iptv services not one has epg information populated so I have to go into content and manually update the epg,and then about 2mins il get a notification to refresh content again,this is really tidious and time consuming I was hoping this fw beta addresses this but sadly not,anyone else experienced the same with the refresh content

  • Yes that is correct, although I always got a popup appear after manual refresh and also when booting from power off and past my scheduled time.

    As for manual refresh, I too hoped this would be implemented in the same way as MTOL2, 175N suggested it would be in this update although I’m unsure if he meant something else.

    He just mentioned a new ux for manual refresh, not exactly how. This popup has a button in it, so you don't need to go into the menu to refresh, after you have manually refreshed.

    But yeah it should just refresh directly if I manually choose it, no need to confirm it.

  • On any live channel press the “Groups” button.

    Consider if you have pinned and re ordered bouquets the will appear only in “My Group”

    If you don’t do the above then content is separated by provider

    You can always create a favourite group and reorder that way and works great

    Sorry adrilang,i dont know what you mean with "Groups" button.I have set Favorites for every of my 3 providers,do you mean i have to go on live channel of every Provider and press the Groups button?,in order to separate the 3 Providers?

    Havent tried either your or la Praline advice on the matter,as i am currently recording a show

  • The refresh content jst dosent seems to do anything ,so what's the purpose of it?could Sam explain? Cause I still need to go into content manager every time and manually update the epg,I find it a extremely annoying feature and time consuming and I'm not sure of it purpose

  • I think that what regards the updates/upgrades we all leave from the wrong premisses, meaning that we think we’re “all heard”. Well… definitely not “all” and also, definitely, not “heard”. Especially not in betas. We’ll have to wait for the official update and decide: “should I stay or should I go”. We’ll all wheigh in all the arguments and decide. Personally, for the moment, I’ll stay. But only for the box and remote.

    If you guys (Formuler guys), would buy the “other” app (or at least its functionalities) and MOL-ify it, you would have the best box/remote/app combination in the world.

  • The refresh content jst dosent seems to do anything ,so what's the purpose of it?could Sam explain? Cause I still need to go into content manager every time and manually update the epg,I find a extremely annoying feature and I not sure of it purpose

    Refresh content is separate from EPG.

    It’s to pull new content that the provider has pushed to your subscription. Some providers update once per day but others multiple times per day.

    If you are having an issue with epg, have you set your epg update interval?

    Mine is automatically set to update every 24 hours and I find this does work and haven’t experienced an issue.

    To locate this option, open content manager and select the subscription you want to change, click the edit icon and you’ll open a list, change your time in “EPG UPDATE INTERVAL” and the update once done.

  • I have the update epg internal setup for 24h but it dosent help as every single time I turn my z11 on it will go through all refresh content updates but every one of my 3 iptv services epg dosent populate so I then have to go into content manager and manually update each epg and it will populate

  • Since the beta update i had one scheduled recording that failed to start according to notification

  • And another one recording failed to start!!!!!!!!:frowning_face::frowning_face:

  • I see a bug on this update in VOD and TV Series, now it won't change refresh rate to 23HZ for 23,976fps content, it changes to 24HZ for both 23,976fps and 24fps content and when playing 23,976fps content at 24HZ drops will occur. Before this update it changed correctly. What happened?

  • No,why would i,recording worked perfectly before update.

  • Its only scheduled recording that failed to start twice,manual recording (via rec button) and same USB port works without problem.

  • Just wanna report that I noticed one glitch that when you go over to the settings tab beside the clock on the main screen it will just flash and then close after two seconds probably something that will need to be addressed for the official release

  • Backup and Restore gives “Empty storage “ message. Reformated the SD card but got the same message.
    It was working fine before beta.

    I did backup and restore using USB and it works fine so could be something affecting SD card only?

    I did notice then from first install of beta, I went into MTOL3 and DVR options and noticed the usb had a line through it so I selected it again to choose the usb I wanted for storage and was no issue.

    So although this isn’t the same issue you described, it could be something to consider because as this is beta, some things can affect others.

    I wouldn’t think it would cause your issue in this situation but even still it’s something to look out for just incase

    Edited once, last by adrilang (May 28, 2024 at 10:15 AM).

  • Its only scheduled recording that failed to start twice,manual recording (via rec button) and same USB port works without problem.

    I tested scheduled recording this morning and worked fine without issue.

    To be honest I don’t really record anything generally but it certainly worked for me in this case.

    Recorded to Sandisk USB in USB 3.0 slot.

  • With reference to startup it will go to home option I’ve found.

    Settings icon in post 5 is not for selection, next to that is left direction arrow < so it’s basically saying there’s an extra setting so press left direction on your RCU to open next menu.

    In tv series or VOD menu, instead of pressing back button which as you say takes you back to live tv, press menu button on remote (3lines) and MTOL3 menu appears.

  • Your statement:

    “Another thing, when i am on apps tab, if i press en home button its happened nothing, should i come back to home tab?”

    I see what you mean, it could be nice to press home button and you go back to home.

    I have found that initially I was using direction pad on RCU (up down left right) to go back from menus to home, however; I press back arrow 🔙 and it does take you to home.

    You still have to blast through menus but it’s quicker than using directions.

  • hi guys

    Some extra findings:

    - backup worked (didn't try restore)

    - 2 scheduled EPG recordings were ok

    Formuler Z11 Pro Max - XC API Portal - Mol3 (standard and occasional TiviMate as backup) - External HDD Toshiba 1 TB (usb 3.0) - Nord VPN