Hello, can you also watch with 2 servers activated at the same time? Or is it better to have 1 active?

2 servers actiev
- Z11 Pro MAX
- MYTVOnline3
Balkanboy -
December 14, 2024 at 9:46 AM
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All providers active here, no problems.
All providers active here, no problems.
Hi,i thought he meant 2 servers from the same provider?
I also have no problem with multiple providers,all active at the same time,as it should be in mol3.
My advice: minimal 2 iptv providers always.
When one is down for some hours or so you can always switch to other provider then.
Got 4 providers here now. They are all on with mol3
but if you have them all on, then either 1 is active and the others are off, when the other one is down you only activate it or you have it on continuously
all on here and no problems