I have gone in and hidden categories already, does mytvonline3 only download data for groups I’ve selected? Or does it download everything no matter what?
You need to completely disable them from provider.
I have gone in and hidden categories already, does mytvonline3 only download data for groups I’ve selected? Or does it download everything no matter what?
You need to completely disable them from provider.
Minimize your contents which you dont need.
Check with your seller.
@ all forum members, please refrain from providing feedback based on guessing as I would like to keep this
thread as factual as possible and without clutter.
Maybe you need a private forum specially made only for you without members.
Did you hold the tv/stb button to use the source button.
Do a factory reset.
Device settings
*New update*
Version 1.0.2
- Added the ability to import content sources from Formuler device.
- Added screen fill gesture in video player. Pinch to zoom.
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements.
Check if hdmi cec is turned on.
My favorite box GTV GTV2 with mol3 next year Let’s go Formuler
The app is amazing and thank you sooo much for showing the Apple love. Any chance you’ll make a TVos version of this app? I would pay good money for a lifetime membership and or a solid month to month if this is in the cards.
That defies the logic of buying their boxes. This is for phones and tablets to hook you into buying the box. Which you should. If you are into spending that much on Apple TV get a Z11 Pro Max.
Copy and paste into the sources fields is not possible. Would make it easier if that would work. Thanks
It does work but dont hold instead double tap regards.
Maybe provider?
Try to temporarily turn off wifi on the box and try the remote again.
It's the same, if I unpair and pair the remote it works fine for some time but then starts spamming again. I tested with my CC box and the remote works fine there so I guess I will just use the z11 pro max with IR mode.
Christmas gift from Santa Formuler
Sorry for late response guys but yeah I was testing the remote whole time and nothing has changed. Did also a factory reset and nothing has changed.
Is it possible that you test the remote at friend or family with another box?
I have another box and it works fine there.
Can you check if it behaves differently if you are in very close proximity to the STB? like <1m
I did and yeah it's the same no change.
Many people here have already reported that when the box comes out of sleep mode, the "mute" function activates.
I am also experiencing this issue.
Try the reset procedure on your remote and check again.
How to reset BT1 Remote:
Press and hold OK+0 for 5 seconds. Light flashes 3 times for confirmation.
I already did that multiple times with no help and now it keeps losing bluetooth connection and spams keystrokes. It can’t be something with the remote right ?Works fine on the other device. My last option is to do a factory reset but I doubt it will solve the issue.
When it appears the keystrokes are getting spammed, what is the light on the remote doing? Is it continuously flashing as if a key is being held down?
The light is off - not flashing.
Ok guys I tested everything you mentioned but still no fix, sometimes works but temporary then starts bugging again. I test the remote on Formuler CC and it works fine. Maybe reset device z11 pro max? If nobody have issues with bluetooth remote with z11 pro max then must be me? In IR mode works fine. Remote is brand new, thanks guys for the suggestions.
No, all BT1 are retail and not Box dependent.
Then why does it say Formuler GTV RCU, are all bluetooth remotes called like that?
Thank you Sam for the tips and tricks, I already did half of them but will also try the rest, the remote works fine in IR mode just in bluetooth mode not good so I mean what's the point to use it in IR mode if its a bluetooth remote. Thanks anyway will report back.
How to explain the best way possible would be it spams keystrokes, for example if i press down once it goes down at the end of a channel list or opens up settings that i didn't even press anything, its like it depends on what application you are using like for example in KODI it goes complete crazy mode, just spams random keystrokes. GTV is off and I am not using it. Is it maybe because this remote came with the gtv box maybe?
I am trying to use Formuler GTV RCU via bluetooth but it keeps going crazy with z11 pro max, it is not working as it should and is very annoying, there is nothing wrong with the remote it's brand new and works fine with GTV so it must be something wrong with z11 pro max bluetooth receiver? Anyone else having this issue or just me?
I stay with file manager plus.
Was a joke
Go to the cogwheel in right upper corner.
Select launcher settings
Select history and favorites
It doesnt remove it, cant be removed.
Why would you hide media browser app it’s the best
Well no provider will ever say that it’s on their end let’s get that straight. Just try a different provider that way you will be 100% sure.
10-20 seconds per channel change?
What that’s too long, I am using the Formuler CC and channel change is instant. If you go into DVB T SCAN you can check your signal and quality. I have 95% signal and 100% quality.
Use SmartTube.
Maybe you watch too much TV Get a Logitech Harmony.
99% epg issues are provider related, you can use m3u4u to make your own custom epg for free.
CC deserves an upgrade like the rest of series.
what about this? https://tv4k.ru/viewtopic.php?t=7
Seems legit.
Not sure which tv you have but try some other video settings, change hdmi port on tv or some other hdmi cable, can be a lot of factors.
Jump interval is simply how many seconds you would like to fast forward the video