faster the better! But in truth a good USB 2 drive will very likely work fine. Try it out
Posts by seanns32
You can't. That functionality is coming in the next update (few weeks from now)
thanks for these HOW TO suggestions
for M3U list the method indicated by 175n is also easy and valid
question: is it possible to use url shorteners like bitly - joogl - tinyurl .....
(btw is gone!)
Ive used the shorteners with success, yes.
Great support....
A little forum searching would have turned up a bunch of results. Try this one:…=gateway&sr=8-3
My provider .... doesn't want to give me a portal link 😮😐
When you sign up for a service, you generally will sign up for a M3U subscription OR mac-based (i.e. portal) subscription. Not both
Its been confirmed (or strongly hinted ) that this will not happen.
so go to add a new portal, but make sure to click portal and not playlist. For URL you need to use your existing M3U URL, BUT, it needs to be shortened. If your URL has numbers in it, you will likely cut off everything after the numbers (you maybe need to add a '/' after the numbers), or if your URL has a '.com' in it, end your URL after the .com.
and then say YES to 'login required?' and for username & password, use your username and password you currently use within your long M3U Playlist & EPG URLs
If you're unsure about the URL, paste it here but 'x-out' the username and password, along with some of the key server name characters. Examples of urls which work for me are like:
(So when you type in your URL, stop after the ':80/')
Note you may need to click on link above and view full URL in browser because I'm struggling to make the above URL a plain text and not a hyperlink
Make sense?
i try to connect with m3u url, cause i use the url on different devices.
Ya but try connecting via the XC API URL. You can still connect on many devices, but Z7+ allows you to connect via XC API instead of M3U URL
Try formatting with the 'rufus' tool. Google it. Ntfs is what I use and I have no problems getting larger than 4gb files.
I don't think that this is the mistake, because the recording ends allways exactly at the same time.
How big is your usb? Is it formatted to ntfs? Google 'rufus ttool' and use it to format your drive to ntfs and then try again
if you have a scheduled recording, the box will power ON at the correct time, but currently once the recording is done the box will not turn off.
if the recording stopped early, it is likely because the iptv stream was interrupted/buffered/etc and although mytvonline attempts to reconnect and continue the record, it doesnt always work
in my, I do not appear the option to put a new url, how can I do, wanted to change the service!
Whod you buy the box from? Sounds like it could be a 'provider' box and not a 'retail' box
formuler z8 remote control functions:
where to find a manual, picture or something similar? Thanks
Best to play around and be curious to figure out what the buttons are for. I seem to remember a bit of a manual/picture awhile back but can't find it
formuler z8 remote control functions:
where to find a manual, picture or something similar? Thanks
Best to play around and be curious to figure out what the buttons are for. I seem to remember a bit of a manual/picture awhile back but can't find it
Any brand name should be fine, make sure it's USB 3.0 for best performance. And I'd recommend 32GB or higher if you're going to be recording a lot. And format it to NTFS for best results.
I was told that there would be a March update for the Formuler z7+ and that this would fix the favourites issue but i havn't got any update yet on my box.
Can any of the admins confirm when this will be pushed?
I think i remember reading a post from SAM that the update would get pushed out a couple of weeks after the Z8 update (which came about ~1 week ago), so hang tight
Thanks for your answer, we all notice the care of customers.
I'm sure there won't be Z7+ updates anymore.
But you be sure I won't order another product again.
You realize there's a Z7+ update around the corner , right? Not implying it will add this particular fix, but you should probably do a little reading before stating things like this
No, it'll power on at the appropriate time.
would it be possible to have the possibility to create custom lists on the z8?
Would it be possible to insert 2 m3u lists at the same time to have the choice of the quality of the chains?
Xtream Editor I believe allows you to do this
Hi SAM, I did not think it was simpler, but I buy it? site or how?
Do some googling or go to Reddit. This is not the place to be discussing this. This forum is not a place to discuss IPTV and how to get it
Just had a thought replying on another thread.
Rather than multiple subs on one app, wouldn't it make sense to have multiple MyTvOnline apps with one sub each?
Maybe in the setting of the app, there could be an option to rename the app.
Loading a single app with large sub of channels and VODs takes time to load / download epg
I believe when you open up MYTVONLINE it only loads / downloads the channels and EPG from the current selected portal. So in that case, it wouldn't make sense to have multiple MYTVONLINE apps
Where do you do that on the z8?
Where you input your portal URLs , etc
when does the update with Android 8.1 ??
also in march ??
Don't count on it guys. Plenty of discussions on this topic in the forums. Android 7 it is. 7 is perfect for IPTV. Enjoy!
You mean you assign channels to your favourites list, but then you cant see a favourites category?
Sam, I guess the owners of z series boxes are asking is will the Mytvonline 2.0 be coming to those devices if the hardware is upto the job?
The spec of the Z7+ and Z8 are very close and looks like a reasonable question
It is to Formuler's credit that they have updates
and this forum for feedback
This has been mentioned ~3824 times on the forum, MOL2 is not coming to Z7+. Z7+ will continue to get updates for firmware and MOL1 though, just as all other Z series boxes are continuously updated
I'm trying to understand, why not have the box go back to standby after it's done recording? If the box was in standby originally, it turns on to record, wouldn't it make sense to have the box go back to standby after it's done recording? What's the benefit of having it kept on after recording is finished?
Agreed, would be a good feature.
Admittedly, I'm not 100% sure, but I THINK if wifi is ON and connected to a network, that will take precedence over Ethernet.
The other thing you can do: go to Ethernet settings and change from eth0 to eth1 (or vice versa , I forget). One of them is Ethernet thru the Ethernet port, the other is Ethernet thru USB port. So set it to the USB one and then you'll know your Ethernet will never get prioritized.
note: I've memorized these instructions from my Z7+ but I'm not in front of my Z8 at the moment so I hope they're valid also for Z8.
Note2: you could also just unplug your Ethernet wire!
Not really. You pay for either a MAC or M3U subscription. Consider going to M3U (ok assuming you're doing MAC)
Well I don't necessarily need the user interface of MYTVO but would like to either screen mirror to a PC (I have a logitech harmony so can control the box from any room) or just play the IPTV feed that I'm getting in VLC on the PC etc.
I was able to with an enigma2 box before, not that I can remember how!
Why not just load vlc onto PC and input M3U data into vlc ?
your comments / questions are quite unclear unfortunately.
1) you can't ask those questions there. Go somewhere else to find free URLs, we don't discuss that stuff here
2) I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but your MAC address is found on the bottom of your box and will look like 00:1A: etc. If you are purchasing a MAC subscription from an IPTV provider, this is the number they will need from you.
It keeps crashing going back to home page
Im sorry but you're going to get zero help with a post like that. You're providing us with no useful information.
Hmmm don't think this is possible? Not with MYTVONLINE I'm guessing.
You want to essential watch your MYTVONLINE stream on a PC?
doesnt matter which slot you use, 32gb is fine, and don't worry about the 'change recording directory' stuff, it'll work without doing that. Just plug in the USB key, reset box and you're set.
ps I don't mean this in a negative way, but instead of asking questions like "which USB slot?", Just be curious and test them out yourself! Play around with the box, press buttons, change settings, etc etc. Mess around! You won't hurt your box and you'll learn a hell of a lot more than by asking questions here and waiting for answers. This message is applicable for everyone
I agree that that the lack of recording is a deal breaker for me. I just bought it and was about to order 2 more when. I realized I forgot to test recording. I will hold off until I see the update. Otherwise my other box records.
To be clear, you can record live TV, you just can't schedule it in future right now.
No bypass. Get a $35 Chromecast for HD Netflix.
I believe an update is coming at end of March, so yes.
for now there is no such problem but in the very near future will be problem
i think your 'very near future' comment is highly inaccurate
How does "normal" catchup/timeshift work for you? For me It is showing a duration of 00:00:00h and i cannot forward/rewind it.
Also, I am not sure if it is all the channels, but lately i started seeing an error when opening a catchup show. Has this been fixed?
Im seeing similar.
Maybe try the resolution recovery process:
Press and hold the resolution button. It should revert the HDMI output resolution to a "safe" mode.
Ok will do. I returned the box to my friend and it works on his TV (as expected), if I get the box back I'll def do that. Thanks!