is it possible to control z8 by voice ? alexa google home

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  • Hi Mouland. Anything is possible to control via various home assistants including the very popular one's you mentioned but requires some knowledge of a few things, Alexa skills (commands), Python (programming language), IFTTT (platform for creating applets based on triggers/conditions), Raspberry Pi (microcomputing). Home assistants you that are available today are barely scratching the surface of what's about to evolve, some specifications you find on these devices state that they are AI technology, it's no where near AI in reality, over the next few years we will still continue to suporised at what's possible. Being honest with you Mouland although you are questioning a formula device, the question you are asking goes beyond a streaming device concept an really think you would be better off asking this question in a Raspberry Pi / virtual voice activation or IFTTT forum 👍