free TV - IPTV Stream issues (MYTVonline3?) > without sound and full of lags

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  • Hello!

    I am new with my fresh bought Forlumer Z11 Pro Max, having some issues with my m3u playlists.

    I used a free TV m3u playlist from my phone which I got from github, german cannels.

    On my phone all channels are streaming without an issue.

    On formuler some channels hand, stutter and do not have any sound.

    Two channels with this problem are this:

    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-logo="…te_2014.svg.png" group-title="Undefined",Das Erste (720p) [Geo-blocked]

    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-logo="" group-title="Undefined",3sat [Geo-blocked]

    The Channel description says Geo Blocked, but I live in germany. So this can not be the issue.

    I also use the m3u on my fire TV stick, also without issues. VLC on my PC also streams them without problems.

    Any Ideas?

    I tried WLAN and LAN with static IP cloudflare and google DNS, buffer small and large.

    So far nothing works.

    Also If I use dream Player IPTV on my Formuler, installed from the Playstore, all channels run smooth without any issue.

    I guess the problem is somewhere in MYTVonline3?

  • My Audio was already optimised with Audio Optimiser 1.2.3, as MYTVonline3 hinted me to install it.
    As said, I do not have problem to stream the channels via IPTV Software load from Google Playstore.
    Also never had any problem with any other device, as these are the official streams of the TV stations.
    Also streaming via installed VLC Player on Formuler works flawless.
    MYTVOnline 3 does not play them.

  • FYI: I installed TiviMate on my Formular Z11 and there all Channels work flawless.
    Friend of mine tested my M3U with his Z10 and MYTVOnline2 and there it plays also without any problems.
    So it is a problem / bug of MYTVOnline3.