DOLBY DIGITAL sound not controled by remote

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  • Hi...

    My Formuler Z10 Pro max is connected to my SONY TV, then, output sound from TV to Sound System through S/PDIF cable.

    am I the only one who can't control the volume of the sound from the Formuler Z10 Pro Max remote when it is a Dolby Digital source ?

    The only way it to be controled it from my sound system directly

    Had the same problem with Formuler Z8 Pro

    why is it like this?

  • It is a known bug for the Z10 Pro Max. Check the Beta version thread. There you can and are supposed to report bugs in the Beta version of the firmware.

    I have asked and suggested for a feature that one can choose for bitstream throughput of the audio signal so the audio is entirely managed by the Receiver if the setup is Formuler->Receiver->TV.

    Modern receivers have excellent DAC’s for decoding the audiosignal. With the advantage that one is independent of the codec implementation in the Formuler box.

  • It's normal. You can't control volume of passthrough RAW audio (Dolby) from the source device.

    Only the device that decodes the RAW audio can control the volume.

    If you want to control the sound using the Formuler, you need to turn off Surround Sound passthrough.

    Android Settings > Device Prefs. > Sound > Surround sound > Select Formats > NONE

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  • It's normal. You can't control volume of passthrough RAW audio (Dolby) from the source device.

    Only the device that decodes the RAW audio can control the volume.

    If you want to control the sound using the Formuler, you need to turn off Surround Sound passthrough.

    Android Settings > Device Prefs. > Sound > Surround sound > Select Formats > NONE

    Was mentioned here 100x times and always same question.