Is is there a way to turn on group channel numbering in MYTV Online 2?
Channel group numbering
- MYTVOnline2
jkakarot27 -
October 22, 2019 at 5:45 AM
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1. Open MyTvOnline2
2. Press menu button, go to Portal tab
3. Click ok button on your connection
4. Click Edit
5. Scroll down to Group Channel Numbering
6 Click ok to turn it on/off
what will change when you turn it on
what will change when you turn it on
All channels in each category starts then with 1.
SAM In my categories it starts with 300 because in other categories i have lower numbers
i dont have sure if was an update or provider issue...
also because of that i start using favorites but when restart the box i'm losing fav list -
Happens sometimes when the provider work on channels, box restart or connect restart fix in most cases the issue. I had yesterday the same with some test provider.
is it possible somehow to sort Fav. channels with Channel group numbering ?
If you installed today's new update, then yes. Activate under Connections -> Your sub ->Edit
i cant find it your sub edit
I found, numbering of the chains by group, in the portal but after we do how? Thank you
SAM thx for promt sevice. actually i shold test first, bevor boadering you. i install allredy the beta firmware and make my Fav list allredy, but the nummbering was still old. after update to official, firmware nummbering was as it should.
@ Dremman 1. Menu
2. connection, press OK button3. choose your connection, press OK button
4. choose EDIT, press OK button
5. choose Group Channel Numbering and turn it on
now you can edit your Favorites and they have nummbers 1,2,3,4...
Thanks, it works
Ok, channel numbering is switched on and I am in my favorites...
Now, lets say I have this channel setup.
1. Channel 1
2. Channel 2
3. Channel 4 (This channel is called Four)
4. Channel 3 (This channel is called Channel Three)
Deliberately renamed 4 and 3 so you have to move them manually. A simple alphabetical sorting button wont help here.
How do you move them? I want 3. and 4. to switch places, manually... -
Press channel that you want to move with OK and hold.
Press channel that you want to move with OK and hold.
Thank you!
Press channel that you want to move with OK and hold.
Ok, I've been trying this now and I cannot get it to work at all. The thing that pops up is PiP, the little mini window in the upper right corner. I can switch between what is on the big screen and the little screen by holding down the red key. However, there is no way that I have managed to switch order of the channels in my channel library.
If I open the library by pressing (OK) I get choices down in the right corner. Red key says SORT. I have 4 choices under sort...
I press these and they highlight and go back to the channel list... However, when I press channels they just switch channels on the TV like any remote... If I hold OK on the channels, nothing happen... I expect a menu of some sort asking me, (under what number do you want this channel?) But, nothing like that at all shows.
However, I have found a solution but it is a pain in the ass... I can remove favorites and then re-add them in the order that I want them. Then they go into the right places because I add them in that sequence manually...
Please check this two screenshots:
Please check this two screenshots:
Oh I see... I have to create my own group... I thought I could use "favorites" (the one that places a star in front of the channel)... I'll try this... Thank you!
There was another "page" where you can edit the groups if you "backarrow" (The page that you are displaying above, I didn't know)... I don't have to create anything... Can use the existing "favorite" if I wanted too...
Thanks for your help Sam... 🙂
Please check this two screenshots:
Is this possible in MyTVonline 1 ?
No, only in Mol2 with latest update.
Hi, wonder if there exsist a program like Dreamset for E2 that works in the same way for Formuler Z8 ?
Dreamset worked very nice and easy to use.
Rgds // T
The one in Mol2 is good
Hi, wonder if there exsist a program like Dreamset for E2 that works in the same way for Formuler Z8 ?
Dreamset worked very nice and easy to use.
Rgds // T
Sorry but no, does not exist.
Wow. Super screen shots. However, I'm a bit slow and still not able to organize my Favorites. Thanks
Ok, channel numbering is switched on and I am in my favorites...
Now, lets say I have this channel setup.
1. Channel 1
2. Channel 2
3. Channel 4 (This channel is called Four)
4. Channel 3 (This channel is called Channel Three)
Deliberately renamed 4 and 3 so you have to move them manually. A simple alphabetical sorting button wont help here.
How do you move them? I want 3. and 4. to switch places, manually...Hold down the OK button on 3 and move it up or on channel 4 to move it down
Is this possible in MyTVonline 1 ?
Still cannot get this to work. Hold "OK" button on one of my Favorite channel does nothing. I have 25 favorite channels (no "groups" ) and still cannot rearrange them. I've searched the posts on this site and have not been able to locate anything except the post Sam posted. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Is this possible in MyTVonline 1 ?
No, only in Mol2 with latest update.
You can sort the favorites now on MOL2.
Go into your favorites and pick any channel to watch.
Now press the OK key once.
Your favorites will be listed on the left side of the screen and the channel will be playing on the right.
Now press the key that is red on the remote.
A Channel List Sort window pops up with 4 choices.
I picked A-Z and now all my channels are sorted alphabetically which is what I use for all my IPTV systems.
Hi, This just doesn't work for me. I have groups of folders (sports, news, entertainment, etc) and 4-10 channels in each group. I cannot get a queue to move channels up and down in the lists. Mol2 formula z8 , latest update. group channel are "on", thanks
Hi, This just doesn't work for me. I have groups of folders (sports, news, entertainment, etc) and 4-10 channels in each group. I cannot get a queue to move channels up and down in the lists. Mol2 formula z8 , latest update. group channel are "on", thanks
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Nice video, However- - - - - I do not get the queue while long hold on OK button to move channels. Only get the trash can on the right hand side of the screen. Thanks for thinking of me.
once you have selected channel with long OK use up /down arrow to move selected
I have no option to move channels. Thanks
This is my screen shot. No options for trash or to move channels
Did you even watch the tutorial video that was posted?
Yes, I've watched the video a few times. If you saw my screen shot you will note that holding down the "ok" button on the remote in any of my groups does nothing except show a trash can on the right side of the screen. No option on the channel to move up or down. Thank you.
Can’t see your screenshots.
You didn’t watch the video or you are incapable of following the instructions in the video
You can sort the favorites now on MOL2.
Go into your favorites and pick any channel to watch.
Now press the OK key once.
Your favorites will be listed on the left side of the screen and the channel will be playing on the right.
Now press the key that is red on the remote.
A Channel List Sort window pops up with 4 choices.
I picked A-Z and now all my channels are sorted alphabetically which is what I use for all my IPTV systems.
What is LCN?
Logical Channel Numbering.