Features Request Z11 and MOL3 (No discussions or questions, only request thread)

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  • I know

    Would be just nice to have it implemented in mol3

    But But But, why would anyone want to do that?? :face_with_open_mouth:

    I guess MOL developers could enable the DLNA video playback but you won't get better image quality and other features than what you get from plex app. You can also create a playlist from your plex media server but i see no point in doing that when Z11 PRO, PRO MAX and even zmini can use plex app or even kodi with plex addons without any issues.

    For example, i'm in MOL3 watching a channel then i click home button in remote and click on plex app/Kodi in less than 10 seconds and watch a movie/tvshow and when i'm finnished return to MOL3 very quickly with the last channel loading quickly. Can't you do that?

    Edited once, last by xateado (July 3, 2024 at 9:06 PM).

  • Auto refresh when making connection with startup of mol3.

    Just like mol1 and mol2.

    For people who dont understand iptv and older people its very very difficult. And i think i may say its also for us more work and a little annoying to do this every day. So better with the startup and making a connection with mol3.

    If mol1 and mol2 start, you have direct fresh content and no notification and popup etc.

    Watch direct tv👌🏻

    Edited once, last by Lucky133 (July 8, 2024 at 6:03 PM).

  • Place Refresh button in menu. Under recordings or so.

    When we click on it it refresh automatic all portals plus epg and if its done then only one message on screen with "refresh complete.

    So no more click on new content found and click ok to add it.

    Full automatic please like mol2.

    Edited once, last by Lucky133 (July 26, 2024 at 2:32 PM).

  • Please add in timeshift/recordings the option jump 10 seconds and 30 seconds.

    The minimum is now 1 minute.

    Its now only availble in vod. Please add It.

    Jump interval options for timeshift in stalker server are limited than XC protocol due to the server structure.

    The minimum buffer loaded on VOD content is smaller, enabling smaller jump intervals. If you find any other player that supports smaller jump interval in stalker timeshift, please don't hesitate to let us know.

  • Jump interval options for timeshift in stalker server are limited than XC protocol due to the server structure.

    The minimum buffer loaded on VOD content is smaller, enabling smaller jump intervals. If you find any other player that supports smaller jump interval in stalker timeshift, please don't hesitate to let us know.

    I use xtream codes. no stalker

  • Remove "notifications" from menu mol3.

    If content is (automatic) refreshed we see it on screen for some seconds. Just like mol2. So notifications is not nessesary. Also the annoying red notifications dots.

    Remove it or replace it to content manager.😃

    Edited once, last by Lucky133 (July 18, 2024 at 5:59 PM).

  • Support negative/positive time offset on VOD subtitles, particularly for downloaded subtitles.


    this was implemented in the last update and works very well, just check & try it out

    Formuler Z11 Pro Max - XC API Portal - Mol3 (standard and occasional TiviMate as backup) - External HDD Toshiba 1 TB (usb 3.0) - Nord VPN

  • In VOD the history now also shows the movies that have been watched from the ADULT category.

    Please create:

    An option in parental menu to switch on/off history for the ADULT VOD category.

    An option to delete the history for ALL movies at once (now only individual movies can be deleted one by one).

    BTW I am asking this for a friend… :winking_face:

  • hi

    Not asking all my previous requests, but here the most important for me:

    - while recording and accidentally shutting down -> first show a popup & ask if recording should continue or can be stopped

    - EPG via button ok and right (single EPG) -> possibility record/watchlist/...

    - manually sorting of the providers (so A, C, B instead of A, B, C)

    - after universal search -> channel result: also show the provider name

    - after universal search -> program result: also show the group name and the provider name


    Formuler Z11 Pro Max - XC API Portal - Mol3 (standard and occasional TiviMate as backup) - External HDD Toshiba 1 TB (usb 3.0) - Nord VPN

  • hi

    What I'm also missing and would save me time:

    - in vods and series: in favourites (& perhaps also in history if possible): sort per provider (I need to see what vods & series are in favourites/history for each provider). Would be great, thanks.

    Formuler Z11 Pro Max - XC API Portal - Mol3 (standard and occasional TiviMate as backup) - External HDD Toshiba 1 TB (usb 3.0) - Nord VPN

  • Last postings moved into own thread!

    Please note: This is only request thread, posting his request for feature options/changes, new implementation or settings.

    Discussions, questions, answers or hijacking for something else, is not allowed in this thread and will be instantly deleted.

  • Hi all

    It would be great in MTVOL3 we could choose to memorize or not the last TV channel seen previously before the unit shutdown.
    In order to point in the right files with a Programmable remote.
    I don't know if I'm clear :smiling_face:

    If I understand correctly, you are advocating for a setting to disable automatic last channel played when starting MOL3. I would also like to see this since many times I want to scroll through the EPG to choose a channel and don't want any channel playing until one is chosen.

  • The ability for hidden groups to stay hidden or the ability to show only pinned groups (like it used to be before update) and new content to refresh the old

    e.g. when the regular refresh contents happens all of the previously hidden groups reappear on the my groups / and any new content creates duplicate groups instead of just updating the old ones



  • Feature Request: Just a toggle in the settings to turn on/off that newly added groups on Live/VOD/TV Series are automatically being enabled or disabled when they are added by the provider. Now every time i have to disable the newly added groups since im not interested in them (especially when foreign groups are added). Same feature request for the app btw.

    BugFix: VOD recomended videos, very cool NEW feature, but, goes to search, but shows NO results even if the specific VOD is on the service...

    Edited once, last by Enforcer99 (August 28, 2024 at 3:08 PM).

  • I am using a Formuler Z11 Pro Max, and I am requesting this feature for the MytvOnline3 app on that device

    I’m currently using the MytvOnline3 app and I’ve noticed that there’s no way to see the size of the movies and TV shows in my list. It would be really helpful if we could view the file size either on the content’s page or by pressing the info button while watching.
    Could this feature be added in a future update?


  • Hi

    Little addition: after a universal search in channel result and program result: show the quality and the fps, so we directly van choose the best stream (using multiple providers).

    Formuler Z11 Pro Max - XC API Portal - Mol3 (standard and occasional TiviMate as backup) - External HDD Toshiba 1 TB (usb 3.0) - Nord VPN

  • I really love the Autoupdater. Its perfect for my family. And i think i should be implemented in the installation process of MOL 3 after the Channel/ VOD / Series (tick on/off) screen.

    Maybe its possible the devs can implement up to 4 times refresh.

    Many providers change the Channel Name during the day for Live TV or Live Events.

    For Example
    1. Refresh: 10:00

    2. Refresh: 15:00

    3. Refresh: 18:00

    4. Refresh 20:00

    Or whatever time the user chooses.

    for some „older“ users, or not so technician users it is more convenient when its automatic , what i really love for my users, that this function exists. Even people said, its complicated to refresh the list.
    and when its possible to do it more often a day. Would be good addition.

  • Same request, just auto-update every 2/4/6/8hours or whatever you can put in AND if its possible do this in the background without notification or 'hangs'. When in the right corner it says "refreshing" you cant do anything at the moment, or even when im watching a VOD, it returns to Live TV when im manually refreshing in the background (have multiple providers so it takes al long time to update).

  • One button in main menu for new content. That will refresh all your portals and epg in once. One button to click and do it all.

    A "refresh" button like mol 2.

    2 buttons to push.

    And not menu, Contentmanager, sync, content, update, ok/add content. Are 4 more buttons!!

    Edited 2 times, last by Lucky133 (September 22, 2024 at 10:46 AM).

  • Under VOD show IMDB details (rating, cast, trailer, media, recommendations) similar to how TMDb information is displayed. Some providers have a mix of both TMDb and IMDB for VOD title details. Currently IMDB is only showing title description and cast names, but cast photos are not showing.