I have Formuler Z11 Pro MAX BT1. I bought it two months ago or so and it was working perfectly. Suddenly starting three weeks ago, when I turn on the box and open mytv online 3, it keeps saying “Contact your service provider. Unable to open stream Server error: HTTP 458”. I can open IPTV on different apps means there is no issue with my IPTV provider. I can open YouTube and other applications requiring internet through the Formuler no problem so it’s not an internet issue. The issue is still ongoing. Could you please tell me how this problem can be fixed? Thank you. 🙏🏽
Continued Connexion problem to mytv online 3
- MYTVOnline+
- MYTVOnline+ Android
Benbo -
August 21, 2024 at 5:35 AM
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In general, for this kind of problem you need to contact the person who sold you the IPTV subscription
The mac address (stalker) on your Formuler box may no longer be linked to your subscription.
Or are you using a user and password to connect using Xream codes instead of Stalker?
And even with a user and password the error occurs?
No my iptv subscription work perfectly in other apps and on my phone too
I know that...
But on the other applications you use a user name and password, I suppose?
What I'm asking you here is what is your connection protocol on the Z11: by mac (Stalker) or Xtream-Codes (user/password)?
Since you're the only one having this problem, it must be you or your connection protocol. Hence the retailer who would be best placed to help you (you also pay for after-sales service with them...).
I suppose you've already reset your box to factory settings?
That often helps
I have similar connection problem with my z11Promax,when i log in with credentials and connect server returns code 1005-400,unknown portal,error 401.
Other providers connect without problem,on Tivimate and z10pro,credentials work perfectly (XC)
Iam already in contact with F_Peter about the issue,
Would a factory reset be helpful ("soft" via menu)or hard reset,which i actually do not want to do,as it was suggested in above post#4 ?
Hello, I have the same problem with mytvonline 3 on Formuleur Z11 Pro.
I use two subscriptions, the first one works perfectly, my second one doesn't work anymore and gives me the error http 401 code:1005_400 while it worked perfectly before.
On other applications it works perfectly on my Z11 Pro box.
Do you have a solution to this problem?
Thank youI have similar connection problem with my z11Promax,when i log in with credentials and connect server returns code 1005-400,unknown portal,error 401.
Other providers connect without problem,on Tivimate and z10pro,credentials work perfectly (XC)
Iam already in contact with F_Peter about the issue,
Would a factory reset be helpful ("soft" via menu)or hard reset,which i actually do not want to do,as it was suggested in above post#4 ?
I had the same problem,in the end i switched-After trying 6 URL- to another server and that connected directly,so problem solved.
I guess,you having connection to server issue,will result that F_Peter (Staff member of Formuler) will contact you,early next week,as they pick-up on such issue quickly!
- Official Post
my second one doesn't work anymore and gives me the error http 401 code:1005_400 while it worked perfectly before.
Please contact your provider and ask for new login data + subscription refresh. Connect request was not successful because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource. This can be something was changed on your sub data or sub. is blocked. Please contact your Provider and let him know.
Please contact your provider and ask for new login data + subscription refresh. Connect request was not successful because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource. This can be something was changed on your sub data or sub. is blocked. Please contact your Provider and let him know.
Hello, thank you for your advice, I will contact my supplier to investigate this issue. : )